Stamping is one of the most fun and rewarding hobbies, but it also has a downside. Keeping your stamps in expert condition can be hard work! Luckily, there are many easy ideas on how to clean stamps and how to store them and so they will last for years to come up. In this mail service, we're sharing a few tips, tricks, and hacks so yous tin can spend less time worrying about your beloved stamps and more time creating handmade projects!

Paper crafting supplies in a storage trolley cart

Altenew Bestsellers

How to Clean Stamps

Ever had a stamp that yous just can't seem to go clean? Yous know the feeling. You're in the creative zone, ready to stamp your eye out, only your stamps are "dirty," and y'all just can't be bothered to go to the kitchen sink and give them a good ol' scrub. Don't worry! We've got a few quick and like shooting fish in a barrel solutions for you.

1. Babe Wipes - This is the go-to stamp cleaner for most cardmakers. It's easy to employ, readily accessible, and travel-friendly. They're inexpensive and therefore tin be bought in bulk, and you accept the option to go for organic and environment-friendly ones if y'all're worried near having too much waste. Since information technology's created for babies, you're 100% guaranteed that it is rubber for your stamp - whether it's a articulate or rubber stamp. It also serves other purposes. For case, if y'all get ink or watercolor on your mitt or your work surface, you tin can use baby wipes to clean it. However, some crafters aren't into baby wipes because they tend to get out tiny fibers or lints on stamps.

Best stamp cleaner from Altenew

Postage Cleaner

ii. Postage stamp Cleaner - If y'all're wondering how to get ink off stamps, this fantastic liquid cleaner is the answer to your prayers. Most cleaners in the market tin can hands remove whatsoever kind of ink on your articulate stamps and rubber stamps - whether it'due south dye ink or paint ink. Information technology is available in two dissimilar types:

  • Spray Bottle - This one comes with a spray nozzle so yous can quickly spray it on your stamps. Altenew'southward multipurpose postage stamp cleaner is made for both clear and safety stamps and will work with h2o-based or permanent inks. Simply spray onto the surface of your stamp and wipe clean with a soft cloth, or use with a stamp scrubber or shammy.
  • Dauber Topped - This stamp cleaner is topped with a sponge dauber, so you can directly utilize the cleaner to your stamps. You tin can either use a postage stamp shammy or scrubber to clean the solution off the stamp thoroughly.

iii. Microfiber Cloth - If you're looking for bang-up and simple ideas on how to make clean stamps, try keeping a handy microfiber cloth adjacent to you whenever yous do some stamping. It is washable, easy to clean, easily attainable (you can go it from grocery stores, hardware stores, or any convenience store in your area), and reusable. Like babe wipes, information technology might leave some tiny fibers on your stamps, so keep that in mind. Most cardmakers observe it affordable and handy since ane cloth can last yous a long time.

4. Stamp Shammy - Some pigment inks and oxide inks become your stamps too saturated and get into the intricate grooves and nooks of your stamps. A postage stamp shammy is an first-class option! It is thick, durable, and piece of cake to utilise. Y'all simply need to proceed it moist past calculation water to it. Simply wipe the ink off your stamp using the shammy, and it will be as expert equally new! To clean your postage stamp shammy, you lot can wash it the same manner you would wash your stamps and microfiber cloth - using h2o and balmy dishwashing liquid soap. The biggest perk of using a shammy instead of baby wipes and microfiber cloth is it doesn't exit lint, fibers, or chemicals on your stamps.

PRO TIP! Go on your postage stamp shammy in an airtight container - similar an onetime CD example - to proceed it moist for more a week! This manner, y'all don't need to proceed adding water to it if it gets dry.

v. Stamp Scrubber / Stamp Cleaning Pad - This works like a stamp shammy, but it's bigger. Stampin' Up'due south Stamp Scrub has two trays with costly black fiber scrub pads. Information technology'due south first-class for pigment inks and oxide inks because it really cleans the nooks and crevices. This cleaner is recommended for those ink stains that are extremely hard to remove, even with a shammy. Spritz some postage cleaner or water onto the scrub pad, scrub your stamp on it, and watch the magic unfold!

Bank check out our multipurpose postage stamp cleaner for clear and safety stamps!

Crafting supplies in hassle-free medium storage pouches

Medium Storage Pouches - 25/pck

What Is the Best Mode to Store Clear Stamps?

Are you having problem storing and organizing your stamps collection? You're not lonely! The plight of your swain crafters is how to store clear acrylic stamps - especially if you don't have plenty infinite?! Every crafter has their own unique storage and organizing system. You can e'er follow your favorite crafter's organizing tips and tricks. At that place's no correct or wrong way to do this. As long as it suits your space and it's user-friendly for you, then get for it! In the video below, y'all will encounter how our very own Lydia stores and organizes her growing collection of Altenew stamps!

Before yous showtime unleashing your inner Marie Kondo, y'all demand to decide on the functional features of your storage system. This depends on you equally a person and a crafter. While some prefer a clear storage box so they can easily find what they're looking for, others opt for covered organizers to keep their supplies dust-free and avoid damages. Here are a few things to consider when deciding how to store clear acrylic stamps:

  1. Articulate - If you lot take more a few stamps and have trouble finding the right one, opt for a clear storage box.
  2. Colored - If yous're into rainbows and color-coding, a colored storage box volition suit you all-time.
  3. Sliding - This is a swell space saver and can help you organize your stamps amend.
  4. Stackable - If you lot only have a pocket-sized collection of stamps, you lot can try something stackable on your desk-bound for easy access.
  5. Open - Some crafters adopt displaying their stamps since this allows them to discover what they're looking for right away. The only disadvantage hither is it could go dusty and dirty apace.
  6. Covered or with lids - Whether it's articulate or colored, a covered storage box is a wonderful option not just for storing, but likewise for caring for your stamps.

How to store clear acrylic stamps

Altenew Stamps

Another thing to consider when figuring out how to store articulate acrylic stamps is the labeling arrangement. Having an excellent labeling arrangement volition reduce the hassle of finding a specific postage ready. Here are a few labeling ideas!

  1. Color-coded - You can assign a particular color for each stamp manufacturing visitor, dissimilar occasions (birthday, Christmas, wedding), or different themes (florals, geometric, nature). Utilize colorful glutinous notes or create your ain colorful labels - the artistic possibilities are endless!
  2. Themes - Organizing according to themes can piece of work for various products, but information technology is peculiarly ideal for stamp sets. Store all birthday-themed stamps together, continue all cheers stamps in one container, or have a dedicated storage for all of your holiday stamps.
  3. How to store and organize stencils and other crafting supplies

    Altenew Stencils
  4. Alphabetical (A to Z) - This is ideal for those who are yet growing their collection and can still remember the names of each stamp set they own. You can discover them hands if they are arranged alphabetically.
  5. Sizes - Keep all 2x3, 4x6, and 6x8 postage sets in their respective storage boxes, and you're proficient to become! This isn't as specific as the other labeling systems, only it works for some people.
  6. Chiselled - You can categorize your stamps into florals, nature, geometric, sentiments, alphabet, occasions, and more! Information technology's all up to you lot!

Browse our broad range of sentiment stamps here!

How to Shop Clear Acrylic Stamps

There are a ton of clever ideas and hacks that will aid you organize and store your clear stamps and rubber stamps. You just need to notice one that fits your budget, infinite, and preferences. We've got a few pop ideas right here!

Hassle-free way to store clear acrylic stamps

No Hassle Storage Pouches Bundle - 20/pck

  1. Storage pouch - It is resealable, sturdy, and comes in different sizes.
  2. Plastic ID cardholder - You tin can use this for storing your mini stamps.
  3. Pocket folio protector - It comes in various sizes and is very durable.
  4. Postage stamp pocket - Some companies have released their own version of stamp pockets or pouches. It's a very straightforward way of storing your stamps.
  5. Drawers - Pull-out drawers are ever excellent for storing and organizing your stamps. It is likewise a space-saving option.
  6. Paper tray - If you have a smaller collection, you tin continue your stamps in a paper tray on your crafting desk-bound. There are stackable options in case y'all grow your collection.
  7. How to organize coloring supplies

    Altenew Coloring Supplies

  8. Folder organizer - It'southward a bang-up style to shop your stamps and brandish them as well.
  9. Tiered file and folder rack/holder - Another stackable storage that will allow easy admission to your favorite stamps.
  10. Plastic storage containers - This is 1 of the almost popular storage options, not merely for stamps but also for other crafting supplies. It keeps your stamps organized and clean.
  11. Kitchen island - Y'all can use a kitchen island every bit your crafting desk AND arts and crafts supplies storage since near kitchen islands come with built-in drawers on the sides and bottom.
  12. Filing cabinet - If y'all don't want to spend besides much coin on those IKEA drawers, a cheap or repurposed filing cabinet will piece of work wonders besides!
  13. Pantry cabinet - A good ol' pantry cabinet can be repainted and repurposed into a decent craft supply storage. You tin put plastic storage bins or baskets inside to organize your stamps, dies, stencils, and more.

PRO TIP! Create DIY dividers for your pull-out drawers using cardboard or foam board. This will go along your stamps in place and well-organized.

Often Asked Questions Nigh Stamps

Let'south respond a few commonly asked questions almost clear stamps and rubber stamps.

How do y'all make clear stamps cling again?

There are 2 means to make articulate stamps cling again:

  1. Clean the back of the stamp with baby wipes to remove the dirt or dust on information technology.
  2. Clean it with mild dishwashing lather and water. Make sure to rub and rinse the stamp with your hands until it doesn't feel slippery anymore. Air dry them upside down, and don't wipe them with annihilation.

How practice you store unmounted stamps?

Here are a couple of ideas on how to store your unmounted stamps.

  1. Y'all can create your own mount and storage for your unmounted rubber stamps using a sheet of stamp carte or articulate cardstock, some black ink, and adhesives. This will help you organize your rubber stamps better too.
  2. Use wood scraps to brand your ain postage block. Only put prophylactic foam adhesive on the back of the safe stamp and stick it to the wood postage stamp block.

How do you lot remove paint ink from stamps?

Pigment inks are notoriously juicy and will likely stain your clear acrylic stamps. If you find that your stamp is saturated with pigment ink and you tin can't get it out of the intricate nooks and crevices, but use a stamp cleaner and rub it on your stamp cleaning pad or scrub pad.

Make certain to visit Altenew'southward quick guide to stamping!

Cleaning and storing your stamps properly is essential in ensuring their longevity. Y'all don't want to invest in stamps and let them go to waste considering you didn't properly treat them. Learning how to get ink off stamps is merely the beginning. Make sure yous shop them in a make clean, dry identify and away from direct sunlight. We hope you found some valuable ideas on how to store clear acrylic stamps in this blog post. Make sure you driblet by our All About Crafting folio for more project inspiration, ideas, and how-tos.